Deionizated water
The manufactured water is characterized by the minim waste quantity of salts (conductivity 0, 1 jiS/cm- 20 jiS/cm) - the water is recommended for using at the washing mashines, supplying the equipments of water cleaning, colonies’ preparation, for general laboratory useDemand offer
Deionizers SG
Deionizers with changeable cartridges of ions. These equipments, which have the cartridges filled with a mixed bed of ions exchanger, are set up at the water tap.
The metal tanks are endowed with handles, are resistant at pressure of 10 bars and have the conduct meter connected at way out for permanent reading of produced water conductivity. The changeable cartridges of ions changes easily. The flat cartridges can be sent back for regenerationDemand offer
The metal tanks are endowed with handles, are resistant at pressure of 10 bars and have the conduct meter connected at way out for permanent reading of produced water conductivity. The changeable cartridges of ions changes easily. The flat cartridges can be sent back for regenerationDemand offer
Purified water through reverse osmosis.
The water obtained during the long usage of equipment is characterized by the reduced content of salts and dry substance (in general under 2%, conductivity of approx. 10-30 jiS/cm), the lack of germs- the water is recommended for washing machines’ use, supplying the equipments of water cleaning, preparation the colonies, for general laboratory useDemand offer