pH- tester with changeable electrode type Checker 1
Testers recognized all over the world, at price of some packets of indicatory paper. To the apparatus of reduced sizes, it is attached a thin electrode in plastics carcass.
pH-tester impermeable type pHep WP, pH-impermeable testers (IP67).
They are very good for the rapid verification of pH in factories or outside. Because the control with microprocessor, pHep 3 WP has an automatic compensation of temperature, automatic recognition of calibration solutions (in points) and the indicative of stabilityDemand offer
Testers recognized all over the world, at price of some packets of indicatory paper. To the apparatus of reduced sizes, it is attached a thin electrode in plastics carcass.
pH-tester impermeable type pHep WP, pH-impermeable testers (IP67).
They are very good for the rapid verification of pH in factories or outside. Because the control with microprocessor, pHep 3 WP has an automatic compensation of temperature, automatic recognition of calibration solutions (in points) and the indicative of stabilityDemand offer
Professional pH-meter type P901
Professional instruments, reliable, controlled by microprocessor, recommended both for laboratory and for land measurements. Besides pH determinations, they are suitable for the reading of mV and of temperature.
On the graphical display of large dimensions ( LCD, 128x 64 points) there are displayed simultaneously the measured value, temperature, the state of the battery, the date and the time. The stabilization of measured size is indicated by an indicator of stability, so being facilitated the reproducible readings. The instruments have the possibility of calibration.
The stocking of dates and transmission /printing of these are made by the serial interface RS232 included, according to the demands GLP. Easy handling is facilitated by the display system type menu and the function HELP included. The language selected by the user (English, French, German or Dutch)
The instruments have impermeable carcass at water (IP65). They can work alike from the net or from the battery. The measured value can be compensated with temperature by hand or automatically. The instruments can be calibrated on 1-5 points, with recognition of 9 buffer solutions preprogrammed or five defined by the userDemand offer
On the graphical display of large dimensions ( LCD, 128x 64 points) there are displayed simultaneously the measured value, temperature, the state of the battery, the date and the time. The stabilization of measured size is indicated by an indicator of stability, so being facilitated the reproducible readings. The instruments have the possibility of calibration.
The stocking of dates and transmission /printing of these are made by the serial interface RS232 included, according to the demands GLP. Easy handling is facilitated by the display system type menu and the function HELP included. The language selected by the user (English, French, German or Dutch)
The instruments have impermeable carcass at water (IP65). They can work alike from the net or from the battery. The measured value can be compensated with temperature by hand or automatically. The instruments can be calibrated on 1-5 points, with recognition of 9 buffer solutions preprogrammed or five defined by the userDemand offer
Professional pH-meter with memory type P902
It offers as a suplimentary facilitation memory with capacity of stocking of 1800-7200 dates (according the setting) for memorizing the measured value, of date, time and temperature.
The display of large dimensions makes possible the display of measured value diagram depending on time. So, there can be noticed easily without recorder, pH changes in time. The diagram can be transmitted farther at a printer or a computerDemand offer
The display of large dimensions makes possible the display of measured value diagram depending on time. So, there can be noticed easily without recorder, pH changes in time. The diagram can be transmitted farther at a printer or a computerDemand offer