CSS plates with cellulose adsorbent
Types CEL 300 have layer with natural cellulose fibers while the plates CEL 400 are covered by a substrate called AVICEL, that is formed of cellulose microcrystal with degree of polymerization of 40-200.
By acetylating of hydrophobic cellulose, depending on the acetylating degree, there are got different absorbents more or less hydrophobic, with which there are prepared chromatographic plates with reverse phase. To the content of 44, 85 corresponds triacetate of cellulose in which all the three groups of hydroxides of cellulose are acetylates.
For preparing chromatographic plates it is used cellulose with acetate content of 10, 20, 30 and 40%. The corresponding plates have indicatives AC-10, AC-20, AC-30 and AC-40.
For separations with ionic changes of amino-acids, peptides, enzymes, nucleotides, s.a., we recommend DEAE plates (dietylaminoetyl) respectively plates strongly changeable of ions with the indicative PEI that contain a complex of polyethylene amino cellulose. The plates with mixed substrate that have indicatives CEL DEAE/HR-Mix-20 and CEL 300 DEA/HR-2/15 (polyester plates) are recommended for combined bidimensional separation, electrophoresis and chromatography of hydrolyzed nucleic acidsDemand offer
By acetylating of hydrophobic cellulose, depending on the acetylating degree, there are got different absorbents more or less hydrophobic, with which there are prepared chromatographic plates with reverse phase. To the content of 44, 85 corresponds triacetate of cellulose in which all the three groups of hydroxides of cellulose are acetylates.
For preparing chromatographic plates it is used cellulose with acetate content of 10, 20, 30 and 40%. The corresponding plates have indicatives AC-10, AC-20, AC-30 and AC-40.
For separations with ionic changes of amino-acids, peptides, enzymes, nucleotides, s.a., we recommend DEAE plates (dietylaminoetyl) respectively plates strongly changeable of ions with the indicative PEI that contain a complex of polyethylene amino cellulose. The plates with mixed substrate that have indicatives CEL DEAE/HR-Mix-20 and CEL 300 DEA/HR-2/15 (polyester plates) are recommended for combined bidimensional separation, electrophoresis and chromatography of hydrolyzed nucleic acidsDemand offer
CSS plates with polyamide absorber
For substances separation that contain phenol and polyphenol groups, a very often used adsorbent is polyamide 6 (e-aminocaprolactama)Demand offer
CSS plates with changeable resins of ions
The polyester plates with indicative IONEX-25 are covered by a silica gel mixture with a changeable resin of cationic (SB) or anionic (SA). As a binder material they contain an inert organic materialDemand offer